Generosity Sundays - thank you!

Thank you

Some of you would have followed our journey during the pandemic and beyond. We came to realise that when the doors are shut, cash isn't always king, and regular giving, for example by standing order, became our lifeblood. The 2022 Save Our Tim campaign was in reference to our wonderful Rector Tim Edwards, and was a slightly "tongue in cheek" message, but at the same time a very real threat. We felt that churches elsewhere who share a Rector with 5 or 6 other churches were surely a shadow of their former selves and we were (and still are) passionate about that not being us. Both churches are tiny charities who receive no funding from the Church of England or government and so the appeal went out. In 2023, we followed up with Generosity Sundays. Asking for money is never easy and striking the right balance is also difficult. Below is a heartfelt thank you from both churches to those who supported us (please click to download). This offers a small insight into the numbers behind your amazing response. If you would like to know more about church finances and the challenges we face, then please feel free to contact Gary Barnes, our Treasurer (for contact details see the "about us" tab and scroll down to "meet the team").

Thank you from St Katharine's

Thank you from St Margaret's